Yarrdachi Goals, Deadlines and Getting Shit in Order So this week will probably get a bit rough. I am bracing for next month where I will be very broke as well and then the following month is December so I am broke until next year. Sleep is a bit rough again. No more weed, so just gonna deal
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: Adventure Design and Docs So I will continue with the docs I was working on yesterday, figure out what I need to do next for the design, get a handle on Jest hopefully. If it's straightforward anyway. If I am honest I kinda want to make this a WebAssembly thing right now
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: Front-end all the way down, more planning and sketching. It continues. Today I will continue the design sketching and planning. I should also plan out what things I should write tests for by figuring out the functions of each component. Things like testing that selecting an item sends the right command with the right item ID to the API.
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: Front end for the phone view continues on... This is a weird one. I need to finish drawing all the steps of all the interactions from the party menu on the dashboard. I'd like to have all these things drawn up before I get to them so I can just blow through with the code and
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: Dashboard mobile view. This will probably take all week, really. I've not used bootstrap in a while, it is coming back to me slowly as I dig through examples and docs. I've already got an idea what things look like it's just a matter of bashing them
Web Development The Blog redesign: Retro Halloween edition (`㊥益㊥)Ψ Today I figured I would just straight up focus on redesigning the blog's colors and MAYBE change a font or two whatever I have the time to do today by 5, I will try to do. I want to do some animation, preferably some CSS animation if I
Web Development Yarrdachi and Blog: Front end fix up. So I realize this blog isn't great to look at currently. I have old overrides kinda hacked on to the theme in order to change some stuff to fit a color scheme. Stuff changed since then so now it's a little more wonky than it was.
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: More front end brainstorming and probably (some) implementation. I would like to pick up where I left off yesterday, trying to figure some things out about the front end and how the user interacts with it. I will need to break down the ideas I have into components and figure out how the hell to bootstrap style them.
Yarrdachi: Story and more frontend. So this morning I kinda spent brain storming, haven't had lunch yet because I have been just... lost in thought about how all this works. Right so I think I might be smart to move my UI library to Bootstrap now as it's more commonly used
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi & Backups: Priorities Today I need to do some testing and figuring out how the WS2812s will sit next to their individual crystals. Then on to the front end of Yarrdachi some more but before that I should get some backup systems in place. I really should come up with a proper name
Yarrdachi Crystal Jack O lantern design. Well, I am starting a little late but I need to get on a Halloween project. Favorite time of the year so what better time to build my first more advanced light project? Next step along the weird ambient fog generators and huge fountains with animated water jets path. I
Yarrdachi The lost posts. I broke it again. Unexpected this time to just full on delete the whole thing. It all started with bloat brought on by me failing to manage my docker build cache. That thing was 96% of my storage somehow. I will have to keep an eye on it. So I
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: Sprite sheet generation. I moved my dev db to the local r710 so I could more rapidly develop, generating pets was getting to be a long wait due to the amount of queries that needed to be fired. I think I need to make a little note here to streamline these queries a
Yarrdachi Yarrdachi: More parts! Today I managed to rescue some of the data from my old blog instance, though there is a period of missing stuff I probably wont be able to recover. These posts relate to the Thing A Day which I should probably have called Thing In A Day, that would have
Yarrdachi: SpriteGen API If I don't manage to somehow retrieve the data from the old DB, this will be a little confusing. Suffice it to say Yarrdachi is the code name of a web based pet sim I am working on. I've chosen my technologies and set about building
Test Post I broke the blog. Again. Real bad this time. The DB is ultra corrupted and I didn't even back it up yet. Good job, me. Really well done. I might break it one more time when I try to change it to use a more reliable database.
mantilogs Work on projects continues. So I've been dealing with things going wrong as they like to do around here. The power in half my house is dead... for some reason it's all on the same circuit. Mold has begun creeping in on a spot on the ceiling as well, so
Life What's been going on. First and most depressing I had to give up on finishing my October game project. I managed to get me a nerve injury in my wrist so I can't draw at all for a while and my laptop is kaput. Now I have to do most of my
Productivity Featured What I learned the past several months So I noticed a few things about how I work lately. Might be useful to other people perhaps to share. First I learned about decision fatigue. This is a real problem and I thought it was just a bullshit excuse. Being aware of it I was able to notice where
Game Dev Spooky games and the websites they live on. The game has been cut down to something I believe I should be able to finish in time for an October release. I've created an intro scene that I need to cut down a bit, it does go on a little long. The game story is drafted up
Game Dev The Game Project It managed to become a horror adventure. I've been posting less here because it's been taking a lot of my time. However I am going to be cutting a lot of the ideas I had for it and focusing on one location and trying to get
Godot The silence. I've been quiet for a bit while I worked on a few things. I've been trying to repair my TV so I can use my desktop again but no dice. Aside from that I have been gathering parts for some light display projects I have been
Game Dev Wandering around game dev So this stream of conscious game project has been continuing at a pretty steady and relaxed pace. I've come to the point where I have to design the outdoors and the original idea was to have the gameplay change as well as the art style. This was the
Game Dev The ramp up So I have been experimenting kind of stream of conscious-like with Godot, trying to work out solutions to past progress blockers as well as just doing whatever comes to mind, rather than forcing myself to a structure and a schedule I am just doing whatever. This is partly to prepare
The MMO Project All roads lead to MMO. I can't quit you, MMO project. If I am going to do anything I might as well just do the thing I have passion for, right? It's better than trying to come up with a simple project and running in circles for months, I could instead