The Slime Redesign

Started on that, finally.
I am going to simplify down as much as I can to start out. Favoring more personality in the pets over crazy randomization with tons of parts. I can always add the ones that function that way later if I want.
I have also reduced the amount of frames required for all of the game's core sprites by about 70% and it should still look pretty good I think. That's a lot less work in the art department to add content.
Once I have a finalized template I will finish up the character controller and then start rebuilding the slime loader on the client and the slime generator on the server side.
I am hoping to have this stuff done by the end of the week at least but we will see, it is that time of year after all.
If I am able to keep a steady pace I will have the basic care system implemented by the end of this month for testing. Hopefully have some basic slime AI for wandering around the apartment too, depends on how hard it is to adapt my 2D to 3D with jumping. I don't EXPECT it will be but I have been doing this long enough to know better than to trust expectations.
Anyway, that's it for today. I will be finishing up the template tomorrow if I can and maybe distribute it to some artists I know and see what they think about it.