Working on the player character sprite design

This is the initial concept I am starting on right now.

The androgynous one was the first one I drew to kind of warm up and get some sense of how I want scale to work.
My favorite subject to sketch is women. My second favorite is slime characters. I am a strange man.
So the female characters will probably be designed first I guess. Most of my testers so far are women so I guess it works out.
This one seems pretty stressed out. I don't blame her.

I'd be worried if I saw me staring at me as well. =3

Seems I have a muse for my designs right now.

So now I have some test assets for setting up the interaction and conversation UI.
It is now 10pm. Deuces. Not sure about tomorrow, might do more concept art, might actually try to draw this friggen sprite now. Seems like I keep avoiding it.